Source code for pythia.spherical_harmonics

This module computes descriptors based on combinations of
spherical harmonics applied to nearest-neighbor bonds.

from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import logging
import numpy as np
import freud

from .internal import assert_installed, cite

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _nlist_helper(fbox, positions, neighbors, exclude_ii=None):
    if isinstance(neighbors, int):
        aq = freud.AABBQuery(fbox, positions)
        result = aq.query(positions, {'num_neighbors': neighbors, 'exclude_ii': exclude_ii})
        neighbors = result.toNeighborList(sort_by_distance=True)
    elif isinstance(neighbors, float):
        aq = freud.AABBQuery(fbox, positions)
        result = aq.query(positions, {'r_max': neighbors, 'exclude_ii': exclude_ii})
        neighbors = result.toNeighborList(sort_by_distance=True)

    return neighbors

[docs]@cite('freud2016', 'spellings2018') def neighbor_average(box, positions, neigh_min=4, neigh_max=4, lmax=4, negative_m=True, reference_frame='neighborhood', orientations=None, rmax_guess=1., noise_samples=0, noise_magnitude=0, nlist=None): """Compute the neighbor-averaged spherical harmonics over the nearest-neighbor bonds of a set of particles. Returns the raw (complex) spherical harmonic values. :param neigh_min: Minimum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider :param neigh_max: Maximum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider (inclusive) :param lmax: Maximum spherical harmonic degree l :param negative_m: Include negative m spherical harmonics in the output array? :param reference_frame: 'neighborhood': use diagonal inertia tensor reference frame; 'particle_local': use the given orientations array; 'global': do not rotate :param orientations: Per-particle orientations, only used when reference_frame == 'particle_local' :param rmax_guess: Initial guess of the distance to find `neigh_max` nearest neighbors. Only affects algorithm speed. :param noise_samples: Number of random noisy samples of positions to average the result over (disabled if 0) :param noise_magnitude: Magnitude of (normally-distributed) noise to apply to noise_samples different positions (disabled if `noise_samples == 0`) :param nlist: Freud neighbor list object to use (`None` to compute for neighbors up to `neigh_max`) """ # noqa E501 freud_box = if noise_samples: accumulation = 0 for _ in range(noise_samples): noise = np.random.normal(0, noise_magnitude, positions.shape) noisy_positions = positions + noise noisy_positions = freud_box.wrap(noisy_positions) noisy_descriptors = neighbor_average( box, noisy_positions, neigh_min, neigh_max, lmax, negative_m, reference_frame, orientations, rmax_guess, 0, 0) accumulation += noisy_descriptors accumulation /= noise_samples return accumulation if orientations is None and reference_frame == 'particle_local': logger.error('reference_frame="particle_local" was given for ' 'neighbor_average, but orientations were not given') orientations = np.zeros((positions.shape[0], 4), dtype=np.float32) orientations[:, 0] = 1 result = [] comp = freud.environment.LocalDescriptors( l_max=lmax, negative_m=negative_m, mode=reference_frame) if nlist is None: nlist = _nlist_helper(freud_box, positions, neigh_max) neighbor_counts = nlist.neighbor_counts if np.any(neighbor_counts < neigh_max): indices = np.where(neighbor_counts < neigh_max)[0] logger.warning('{} particles have too few neighbors'.format(len(indices))) for nNeigh in range(neigh_min, neigh_max + 1): # sphs::(Nbond, Nsph) comp.compute((freud_box, positions), orientations=orientations, neighbors=nlist, max_num_neighbors=nNeigh) sphs = comp.sph # average over neighbors sphs = np.add.reduceat(sphs, nlist.segments) sphs /= np.clip(neighbor_counts, 1, nNeigh)[:, np.newaxis] result.append(sphs) return np.hstack(result)
[docs]@cite('freud2016', 'spellings2018') def abs_neighbor_average(box, positions, neigh_min=4, neigh_max=4, lmax=4, negative_m=True, reference_frame='neighborhood', orientations=None, rmax_guess=1., noise_samples=0, noise_magnitude=0, nlist=None): """Compute the neighbor-averaged spherical harmonics over the nearest-neighbor bonds of a set of particles. Returns the absolute value of the (complex) spherical harmonics :param neigh_min: Minimum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider :param neigh_max: Maximum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider (inclusive) :param lmax: Maximum spherical harmonic degree l :param negative_m: Include negative m spherical harmonics in the output array? :param reference_frame: 'neighborhood': use diagonal inertia tensor reference frame; 'particle_local': use the given orientations array; 'global': do not rotate :param orientations: Per-particle orientations, only used when reference_frame == 'particle_local' :param rmax_guess: Initial guess of the distance to find `neigh_max` nearest neighbors. Only affects algorithm speed. :param noise_samples: Number of random noisy samples of positions to average the result over (disabled if 0) :param noise_magnitude: Magnitude of (normally-distributed) noise to apply to noise_samples different positions (disabled if `noise_samples == 0`) :param nlist: Freud neighbor list object to use (`None` to compute for neighbors up to `neigh_max`) """ # noqa E501 return np.abs(neighbor_average( box, positions, neigh_min, neigh_max, lmax, negative_m, reference_frame, orientations, rmax_guess, noise_samples, noise_magnitude, nlist))
[docs]@cite('freud2016', 'spellings2018') def system_average(box, positions, neigh_min=4, neigh_max=4, lmax=4, negative_m=True, reference_frame='neighborhood', orientations=None, rmax_guess=1., noise_samples=0, noise_magnitude=0, nlist=None): """Compute the global-averaged spherical harmonics over the nearest-neighbor bonds of a set of particles. Returns the raw (complex) spherical harmonic values. :param neigh_min: Minimum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider :param neigh_max: Maximum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider (inclusive) :param lmax: Maximum spherical harmonic degree l :param negative_m: Include negative m spherical harmonics in the output array? :param reference_frame: 'neighborhood': use diagonal inertia tensor reference frame; 'particle_local': use the given orientations array; 'global': do not rotate :param orientations: Per-particle orientations, only used when reference_frame == 'particle_local' :param rmax_guess: Initial guess of the distance to find `neigh_max` nearest neighbors. Only affects algorithm speed. :param noise_samples: Number of random noisy samples of positions to average the result over (disabled if 0) :param noise_magnitude: Magnitude of (normally-distributed) noise to apply to noise_samples different positions (disabled if `noise_samples == 0`) :param nlist: Freud neighbor list object to use (`None` to compute for neighbors up to `neigh_max`) """ # noqa E501 return np.mean(neighbor_average( box, positions, neigh_min, neigh_max, lmax, negative_m, reference_frame, orientations, rmax_guess, noise_samples, noise_magnitude, nlist), axis=0)
[docs]@cite('freud2016', 'spellings2018') def abs_system_average(box, positions, neigh_min=4, neigh_max=4, lmax=4, negative_m=True, reference_frame='neighborhood', orientations=None, rmax_guess=1., noise_samples=0, noise_magnitude=0, nlist=None): """Compute the global-averaged spherical harmonics over the nearest-neighbor bonds of a set of particles. Returns the absolute value of the (complex) spherical harmonics :param neigh_min: Minimum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider :param neigh_max: Maximum number of neighbor environment sizes to consider (inclusive) :param lmax: Maximum spherical harmonic degree l :param negative_m: Include negative m spherical harmonics in the output array? :param reference_frame: 'neighborhood': use diagonal inertia tensor reference frame; 'particle_local': use the given orientations array; 'global': do not rotate :param orientations: Per-particle orientations, only used when reference_frame == 'particle_local' :param rmax_guess: Initial guess of the distance to find `neigh_max` nearest neighbors. Only affects algorithm speed. :param noise_samples: Number of random noisy samples of positions to average the result over (disabled if 0) :param noise_magnitude: Magnitude of (normally-distributed) noise to apply to noise_samples different positions (disabled if `noise_samples == 0`) :param nlist: Freud neighbor list object to use (`None` to compute for neighbors up to `neigh_max`) """ # noqa E501 return np.abs(system_average( box, positions, neigh_min, neigh_max, lmax, negative_m, reference_frame, orientations, rmax_guess, noise_samples, noise_magnitude, nlist))
[docs]@cite('freud2016') def steinhardt_q(box, positions, neighbors=12, lmax=6, rmax_guess=2.): """Compute a vector of per-particle Steinhardt order parameters. :param neighbors: Number of neighbors (int) or maximum distance to find neighbors within (float) :param lmax: Maximum spherical harmonic degree l :param rmax_guess: Initial guess of the distance to find nearest neighbors, if appropriate. Only affects algorithm speed. """ # noqa E501 box = neighbors = _nlist_helper(box, positions, neighbors, rmax_guess) result = [] for l in range(2, lmax + 1, 2): compute = freud.order.Steinhardt(l) compute.compute((box, positions), neighbors) op = compute.particle_order result.append(op.copy()) result = np.array(result, dtype=np.float32).T return result
class _clebsch_gordan_cache(object): _cache = {} @classmethod def get(cls, l1, l2, l3, m1, m2, m3): sympy = assert_installed('sympy') assert_installed('sympy.physics.wigner') key = (l1, l2, l3, m1, m2, m3) if key not in cls._cache: cls._cache[key] = float(sympy.physics.wigner.clebsch_gordan(*key)) return cls._cache[key]
[docs]@cite('kondor2007', 'freud2016') def bispectrum(box, positions, neighbors, lmax, rmax_guess=2.): """Computes bispectrum invariants of particle local environments. These are rotationally-invariant descriptions similar to a power spectrum of the spherical harmonics (i.e. steinhardt order parameters), but retaining more information. :param neighbors: number of nearest-neighbors to consider for local environments :param lmax: maximum spherical harmonic degree to consider. O(lmax**3) descriptors will be generated. """ # noqa E501 fsph = assert_installed('fsph') box = nlist = _nlist_helper(box, positions, neighbors, rmax_guess) rijs = positions[nlist.point_indices] - positions[nlist.query_point_indices] rijs = box.wrap(rijs) phi = np.arccos(rijs[..., 2]/np.sqrt(np.sum(rijs**2, axis=-1))) theta = np.arctan2(rijs[..., 1], rijs[..., 0]) sphs = fsph.pointwise_sph(phi, theta, lmax, negative_m=True) sphs = np.add.reduceat(sphs, nlist.segments)/nlist.neighbor_counts[:, np.newaxis] sphs[np.isnan(sphs)] = 0 lm_columns = {(l, m): i for (i, (l, m)) in enumerate(fsph.get_LMs(lmax, negative_m=True))} for (_, m), i in lm_columns.items(): if m > 0 and m % 2: sphs[:, i] *= -1 result = defaultdict(lambda: 0) for (l1, l2, l) in itertools.product(range(lmax + 1), range(lmax + 1), range(lmax + 1)): result_key = (l1, l2, l) for m in range(-l, l + 1): left = sphs[:, lm_columns[(l, m)]] right = 0 + 0j nonzero = False m1_min = max(-l1, m - l2) m1_max = min(l1, m + l2) for m1 in range(m1_min, m1_max + 1): term = _clebsch_gordan_cache.get(l1, l2, l, m1, m - m1, m) if term == 0: continue else: nonzero = True term *= np.conj(sphs[:, lm_columns[(l1, m1)]]) term *= np.conj(sphs[:, lm_columns[(l2, m - m1)]]) right += term if nonzero: result[result_key] += left*right result_columns = [result[key] for key in sorted(result)] result = np.array(result_columns, dtype=np.complex128).T result = np.ascontiguousarray(result).view(np.float64).reshape((positions.shape[0], -1)) return result