Source code for pythia.voronoi

This module computes descriptors based on the Voronoi tessellation
of the system.

import numpy as np
import freud

import scipy as sp
import scipy.spatial

from .internal import cite

def _angle_histogram_3d(vertices, bins=16, area_weight_mode='product'):
    hull = sp.spatial.ConvexHull(vertices)
    dot_products = np.zeros((hull.equations.shape[0], hull.equations.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)

    # equations are already normalized for the (x, y, z) components
    dot_products[:, :] = np.sum(hull.equations[:, np.newaxis, :3] *
                                hull.equations[np.newaxis, :, :3], axis=-1)
    angles = np.arccos(dot_products)

    facet_vertices = hull.points[hull.simplices]
    facet_vertices -= facet_vertices[:, 0, np.newaxis, :]
    facet_AB = facet_vertices[:, 1, :]
    facet_AC = facet_vertices[:, 2, :]

    mag_AB = np.sqrt(np.sum(facet_AB**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    mag_AC = np.sqrt(np.sum(facet_AC**2, axis=-1, keepdims=True))
    normalized_AB = facet_AB/mag_AB
    normalized_AC = facet_AC/mag_AC
    facet_thetas = np.arccos(np.sum(normalized_AB*normalized_AC, axis=-1))

    facet_areas = .5*mag_AB.reshape((-1,))*mag_AC.reshape((-1,))*np.sin(facet_thetas)

    if area_weight_mode in ('+', 'sum'):
        area_weights = facet_areas[:, np.newaxis] + facet_areas[np.newaxis, :]
    elif area_weight_mode in ('*', 'product'):
        area_weights = facet_areas[:, np.newaxis]*facet_areas[np.newaxis, :]
        raise NotImplementedError('Unknown area_weight_mode: "{}"'.format(area_weight_mode))
    np.fill_diagonal(area_weights, 0)

    bin_targets = np.round(angles/np.pi*(bins - 1)).astype(np.int32)
    bin_targets = bin_targets.reshape((-1,))
    area_weights = area_weights.reshape((-1,))

    result = np.zeros((bins,), dtype=np.float32)

    for (target, weight) in zip(bin_targets, area_weights):
        result[target] += weight

    return result/np.sum(area_weights)

[docs]@cite('freud2016') def angle_histogram(box, positions, bins, buffer_distance=None, area_weight_mode='product'): """Compute the area-weighted (a_i + a_j) angle histogram of all pairs of faces for the voronoi polyhedron of each particle. Sums the areas into the given number of bins (from 0 to pi). :param bins: Number of bins to use for the histogram :param buffer_distance: Distance to copy parts of the simulation box for periodic boundary conditions in the voronoi diagram computation :param area_weight_mode: Whether the weight for each pair of faces should be the sum ('sum') or product ('product') of the face areas """ # noqa E501 # The buffer distance is used to produce image for the periodic boundary condition, # to avoid corner cases like particles are only in one quadrant, we need to take the max # value of the box dimension as the replication buffer distance. if buffer_distance is None: buffer_distance = max(box.Lx, box.Ly, box.Lz) fbox = voronoi = freud.locality.Voronoi() voronoi.compute((fbox, positions)) polyhedra = voronoi.polytopes result = np.zeros((len(positions), bins), dtype=np.float32) for (i, verts) in enumerate(polyhedra): result[i] = _angle_histogram_3d(verts, bins, area_weight_mode) return result